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Unlock Your Best Skin: Hydration is Key

Why is hydration important? When do you need it? How to hydrate?

Let us guide you to find the best method for your skin to regain its youthful, smooth, and hydrated appearance!

Why is hydration important? What happens if you don't hydrate properly?

From hydration to flakeless supple skin

• Why is hydration important?


The skin's natural hydration ability comes mainly from the sebum film on the surface and the lipids and natural moisturizing factors in the stratum corneum.

The sebum film creates a "sealing" effect on the skin surface, which reduces water evaporation.


Lipids and natural moisturizing factors provide a moisturizing and nourishing effect.


• What happens if you don't hydrate properly?


The skin may:

- Become dry and rough
- Develop fine, white scaly flakes (scaling) or "skin flakes"
- Experience even thinner flaking (flaking)


This is due to insufficient hydration, which prevents the natural shedding of dead skin cells.


In addition to following the Basic 4-Step Rituals, we recommend the following steps to gradually help your skin stay hydrated and retain moisture!

dehydrated, dry, flaky,

Advanced Ritual #1: Proper Exfoliation for Improved Skin Cell Turnover

Our ocean-friendly exfoliator in gentle AHA formula with Sicilian lemons and algae

Apply 3 to 4 pea sized onto freshly cleansed skin and massage on the skin for 20 seconds in circular motion, then rinse with water.  Use as needed.


Our AHA formula exfoliating gel helps to awaken your skin and reveal a smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking complexion in just 20 seconds!


· Why exfoliate?


The normal moisture content of the epidermis gradually decreases from the inside out. The basal layer at the bottom can be as high as 70%, but it drops to 20-35% by the time it reaches the stratum corneum. If the moisture content of the stratum corneum drops below 10%, the dead skin cells cannot be decomposed properly, and you may experience noticeable dryness and flaking.


At this point, gentle exfoliation can help remove dead skin cells and improve the skin's absorption ability for subsequent skincare products.

Advanced Ritual #2: 20-Minute Skin Revitalization - Boost Your Skin's Moisture and Truly Hydrate Your Skin!

Preservative free and up to 47 active mineral formula: Jurassic Mask

How to Prepare Facial Mask:

1. Use our spatula to take out 5ml (small spatula) of facial mask powder and 1/2 teaspoon of yogurt or honey. Then, spray 4-6 times of Organic German Chamomile Hydrosol to enhance penetration.
2. Stir well until the facial mask becomes a paste.


Instructions for use:

1. After cleansing, apply a thick layer of the facial mask paste on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes until the mask dries and turns light grey.
2. Rinse off with water and proceed with our Basic 4-Step Rituals.

*It is recommended to use continuously for 7-14 days to achieve the best results.


· Why recommended 7-day consecutive use for optimal results?


- Over 90% of users reported that the mask helped to increase skin hydration and improve the appearance of dry skin, suitable for those with very dry and flaky skin.


ZURKO RESEARCH S.L. conducted a study under the supervision of dermatologists to test the moisturising effects of the ingredients used in Jurassic Mask. 20 volunteers with extremely dry skin and flaky symptoms applied the mask on their face, neck, body, and limbs for 14 consecutive days. The results shows:


- After 3 days: skin hydration increased by 20%;
- After 7 days: skin hydration significantly increased by 56%;
- After 14 days: skin hydration significantly increased by 63% and improved skin barrier function.


· The principle behind rejuvenating and moisturising skin


The secret lies in the humic acid and over 40 essential minerals that have accumulated over millions of years in the freshwater, saltwater, pore water, and peat of a meteorite crater in northern Canada.


Humic acid promotes collagen regeneration, which helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


Additionally, it activates fibroblast cells, inhibits the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and stimulates the production of growth factors such as TGF-beta. Moreover, humic acid increases the skin's ability to retain moisture, thereby improving overall skin elasticity, firmness, and appearance.


Experience the magical benefits of humic acid and over 40 active mineral ingredients to restore a youthful radiance to your skin now.

Advanced Ritual #3: Deep Hydration for Moisturised and Radiant Skin

Hydrating and Moisturising Organic German Chamomile Hydrosol

Spray at least 4-6 times according to personal needs (increase the dosage or layer with rose water according to personal preference).


• Why should you layer with an extra toner?


With a high concentration of water-soluble natural ingredients, such as alpha-bisabolol and polysaccharides, it effectively hydrates and soothes the discomfort caused by dehydration, preventing loss of skin moisture.


German chamomile hydrosol is your best choice for deep hydration and maintaining moisturised skin.

Advanced Ritual #4: Smooth and Moisturise Rough Skin

Refreshing Silky Moi with Sage and Jasmine

In addition to Step #4 of our Basic 4-Step Ritual, apply an extra pea-sized amount of Silky Moi emulsion to your face and neck, massaging until fully absorbed. (Adjust the amount according to personal needs.)


• Why should you layer with an emulsion?


Emulsion helps replenish moisture in the "outer" and "interstitial" layers of the stratum corneum, filling in the rough and uneven areas on the surface of the stratum corneum, leaving the skin feeling smoother to the touch.


• Enriched with precious rosehip oil and evening primrose oil grown in Europe, which contain a variety of active ingredients such as GLA gamma-linolenic acid, Vitamin A, Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9, etc., deeply replenishes moisture in the stratum corneum, moisturises thirsty skin, and smooths roughness.


• Can you use emulsion alone after using a toner?


No, you cannot! Using emulsion alone may actually increase water loss from the skin.


Unless your stratum corneum is very healthy and the relative humidity is above 75%, it is recommended to use our essence, Miracle Serum, to lock in moisture.

Advanced Ritual #5: Say No to Extreme Dryness with the Ultimate Moisturising Savior

Extra Nourishing: Organic All-Purpose Balm

After completing our Basic 4-Step Rituals, use a small amount of the organic balm and spray 1-2 times with floral water/hydrosol to thin out the texture. Adjust the amount according to personal needs.


• When do you need to use the organic balm?


- When your skin feels dehydrated and dry shortly after using our Basic 4-Step Rituals and layering with Silky Moi emulsion;


- In extremely cold or dry weather; or


- When your skin is flaky or  cracking.


These indicate your skin needs to strengthen its ability to lock-in moisture - by enhancing the barrier against water evaporation and reducing the loss of moisture from the skin!

Achieving soft and supple skin is a journey that requires patience, focus, and all-around attention!

My Earthy Kiss believes in using natural products with minimal chemical ingredients to nourish and protect your skin.

Facing different physical changes and environmental climate variations, we can transform dry skin by maintaining a healthy diet and adjusting our skincare routine accordingly.


Prioritising adjustments to our daily habits and diet can improve our skin quality, achieving long-lasting beauty.


Give your skin a chance to start anew, and let us help you achieve your skincare goals so that your confidence can radiate from within and bloom inside-out.

Daily Moisturising Tips • Key Points to Remember

1. If your skin looks plump with moisture and feels smooth to the touch without any flakiness, it means that your natural moisturising factors and sebum levels are sufficient, and you have mastered the right dosage for your Basic 4-Step Rituals!

2. If your skin feels rough and flaky, you can use moisturisers along with toners and serums to hydrate and lock in moisture.


For more enhanced moisturising effects, please refer to Advanced Ritual #5 (see above).


3. Using moisturisers alone may actually increase water loss from the skin. It is recommended to use them in combination with other products, such as Miracle Serum or Organic All Purpose Balm, unless the relative humidity is above 75%.


4. The overall rituals must be used in reasonable proportions.  See our Rule of Thumb under Basic 4-Step Rituals for more guidance.

Products for dehydrated skin

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