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Manage Sensitive Skin and Say Goodbye to Redness and Irritations

What Causes Sensitive Skin? Discover the Culprits and Learn How to Manage Your Skin!

Let us prescribe the way to restore your skin to a resilient state!

How do you differentiate between sensitive skin and eczema? How to stabilize sensitive skin?

Manage Sensitive Skin and Achieve Resilient Beauty

• How Can Sensitive Skin be Triggered?


Sensitive skin can be triggered by several factors, including:


- Changes in humidity and temperature or seasonal transitions;
- Medical cosmetic treatments, such as laser spot removal, hair removal, or wart removal, etc;
- Use of skincare products containing excessive amounts of preservatives;
- Use of skincare products containing excessive amounts of synthetic cleansing agents or moisturizers; 
- Dietary habits (such as food allergy, etc); or
- Lifestyle factors (such as stress and lack of sleep, etc).


These factors can weaken our skin defense mechanism, leading to an imbalance in the skin's microbiome and metabolism, resulting in problems such as allergies, dark spots, dryness, and itchiness.


The Basic 4-Step Rituals can help rebuild and strengthen our skin, improving and balancing the skin's microbiome and metabolism.


In addition to the basic skincare rituals, we recommend the following procedures to gradually stabilize and transform your skin into a resilient state.


• How to differentiate between sensitised skin  and eczema?


You can start by observing the initial symptoms. Although they are very similar, itchiness and redness will appear first.


Sensitised skin tends to be localized, occurring in areas where exposed to allergens, and is temporary and will subside after a while. However, if not handled properly, it may develop into chronic inflammation or chronic eczema.

sensitive skin, sensitised skn, 敏感

Advanced Ritual #1: 20-Minute Skin Reset - Soothe + Calm + Resilient

Preservative free and up to 47 active mineral formula: Jurassic Mask

How to Prepare Facial Mask:

1. Use our spatula to take out 5ml (small spatula) of facial mask powder and 1/2 teaspoon of yogurt or honey. Then, spray 4-6 times of Organic German Chamomile Hydrosol to enhance penetration.
2. Stir well until the facial mask becomes a paste.


Instructions for use:

1. After cleansing, apply a thick layer of the facial mask paste on the face and leave it on for 20 minutes until the mask dries and turns light grey.
2. Rinse off with water and proceed with our Basic 4-Step Rituals.

*It is recommended to use continuously for 7-14 days to achieve the best results.


· Why recommended 7-day consecutive use for optimal results?


- Over 90% of users reported that the mask helped to increase skin hydration and improve the appearance of dry skin, suitable for those with very dry and flaky skin.


ZURKO RESEARCH S.L. conducted a study under the supervision of dermatologists to test the moisturising effects of the ingredients used in Jurassic Mask. 20 volunteers with extremely dry skin and flaky symptoms applied the mask on their face, neck, body, and limbs for 14 consecutive days. The results shows:


- After 3 days: skin hydration increased by 20%;
- After 7 days: skin hydration significantly increased by 56%;
- After 14 days: skin hydration significantly increased by 63% and improved skin barrier function.


· The principle behind rejuvenating and moisturising skin


The secret lies in the humic acid and over 40 essential minerals that have accumulated over millions of years in the freshwater, saltwater, pore water, and peat of a meteorite crater in northern Canada.


Humic acid promotes collagen regeneration, which helps to improve skin elasticity and firmness, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


Additionally, it activates fibroblast cells, inhibits the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), and stimulates the production of growth factors such as TGF-beta. Moreover, humic acid increases the skin's ability to retain moisture, thereby improving overall skin elasticity, firmness, and appearance.


Experience the magical benefits of humic acid and over 40 active mineral ingredients to restore a youthful radiance to your skin now.

Advanced Ritual #2: Deep Hydration, Soothing and Calming

Organic German Chamomile Water for Soothing and Calming Sensitive Skin

Spray at least 4-6 times (or increase the dosage or layer with rose water according to personal preference) as needed.


• Why add an extra toner?


- Contains high concentrations of water-soluble natural ingredients alpha bisabolol and polysaccharides, which can effectively moisturize and soothe discomfort caused by skin dehydration, and prevent loss of skin moisture.

Sensitive Skin vs Sensitised Skin

How to differentiate? Sensitised skin can be under control?

Sensitive Skin and Sensitised Skin are two skin conditions that are often confused with each other.


While they may share some similarities, it's important to understand the differences between the two in order to find the correct way to care for your skin.


Sensitive skin is a genetic predisposition that is usually accompanied by other inflammation issues such as asthma, eczema, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), pollen allergies or other inflammatory diseases. Due to the impaired skin barrier function, their skin has difficulties in retaining moisture.


On the other hand, sensitised skin is a temporary condition that can be caused by external factors such as prolonged use of products with excessive preservatives or emollients/surfactants, laser treatment, or extreme weather conditions that irritate our skin. When our skin becomes sensitive, it becomes red and uncomfortable.



Learn to Live with Sensitive and Sensitised Skin!

It's important to note that sensitive skin is a prolonged condition, while sensitised skin is a temporary condition that can be managed through proper skincare rituals, lifestyle and diet adjustments.


By adjusting your skincare routine, lifestyle and diet, you can learn to live with sensitive skin and manage it.

For sensitised skin, it is possible to transform it into a healthy, radiant and resilient skin, restoring the skin's natural barrier function, and have your confidence shone inside out.


Products for sensitive and sensitised sin

Jurassic Mask 使用方法|舒緩敏感泛紅