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FAQ: Skincare

1.  My skin is dry and sensitive. What products should I use?

Dry and sensitive skin should use products with a simple formula, no fragrance, and mild products for cleansing in the most basic way. Focus on strengthening anti-inflammatory and moisturising, as well as avoiding excessive use of exfoliating products and excessive cleaning on your damaged skin barrier.

We suggest using our All-day Moisturisers, together with The Miracle Booster, and Sunia K. Sabrah to treat skin issues such as sagging, dullness and dryness.


Here are MY EARTHY KISS' product recommendations: 


2.  How should I deal with my dark circles, eye bags and eye wrinkles?

Uneven skin tones around eye areas are mainly caused by the damage from surfactants, contributing to thinning and drying of the skin, and also leading to lack of oxygen.

The majority of eye creams sold in the mainstream market contain a lot of surfactants and oil. They will not only dissolve the moisturising factors of your skin, which damages your skin barrier. They will even dry out your skin, causing wrinkles in the longer run. 

In addition, since surfactants are foreign to the skin, they will lead to dermatitis very easily. Consequently, melanin will pile up from time to time, aggravating the formation of your dark circles.


Solutions: My Earthy Kiss recommends you 

  • Stay away from surfactants, you can instead firstly apply The Miracle Booster to your skin, then mix Sunia K. Sabrah with All-day Moisturisers together and used them as eye cream.
  • Open windows while sleeping to make sure there's airflow in your room.


3.  What should I do if my skin is dull and lacking burnish?

The main cause of the dullness of your skin is the long-term use of products containing surfactants and preservatives. They do not just damage but also weaken your skin's barrier from time to time, taking away the burnish from your skin.


To brighten up your skin, we suggest:

     Step 1:

  • Apply The Miracle Booster for regulating and repairing your skin barrier.

     Step 2:

  • Apply Sunia K. Sabrah and one All-day Moisturiser that is most suitable to your skin after mixing them together nicely, allowing the products to penetrate into the skin to enhance moisture as well as your own skin protection.


As your skin becomes healthier from time to time, its glow will be restored beautifully.


4.  What should I do if my skin became sensitive because of wearing a mask all the time?

Sensitive skin should use products with a simple formula, no fragrance, and mild products for cleansing in the most basic way. Focus on strengthening anti-inflammatory and moisturising, as well as avoiding excessive use of exfoliating products and excessive cleaning on your damaged skin barrier.

MY EARTHY KISS helps you strengthen your cuticle and rebuild your skin cells' own moisture repairability, thereby reducing TEWL (water loss) and picking your healthy skin back up.

Please refer to "Sensitised Skin" for products recommendations

5.  What products should I use for pores tightening?

Pore expansion tends to cause by oil secretion and environmental temperature. Therefore, oil secretion control is the key to pores tightening.


Tips for improving skin fineness:

     Step 1:

  • Exfoliate your skin regularly with Skin Reborn Exfoliating Gel followed by Clary Sage Detox Mask.

     Step 2:

  • Apply The Miracle Booster for regulating oil secretion, repairing skin barriers, and improving irritated skin conditions, thus tightening pores from time to time. 

     Step 3:

  • Apply Sunia K. Sabrah and one All-day Moisturiser that is most suitable to your skin after mixing them together nicely. It obtains the closest structure to our skin, which helps the best penetration.


Here are My Earthy Kiss' product recommendations: