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Basic 4-Step Rituals: Dry Skin — Boost and Lock-in Moisture

Revive dry skin with our natural solutions for a radiant glow

Transform dry skin with our gentle yet nourishing 4-step routine.

Basic 4-Step Skincare Rituals

Why follow the 4-step skincare ritual? Can we use serum on its own? Why is a dual-cleansing method recommended?

We promote versatile skincare. Tailor-made to your personal needs, by mixing and matching our products with a simple 4-step ritual timelessly.


Let’s simplify your skincare routine and products, and no more complexities.

Our 4-step skincare routine is tailored to your skin's unique structure

Each step is essential to unlocking the full potential of our products.

We have customised the best skincare solutions for your specific skin type. Please follow our 4-step ritual in your daily skincare routine.


We DO NOT recommend using other products that contain synthetic chemicals along with our products:

Synthetic chemicals will leave a layer of residue on our skin, which may lead to weaker skin absorption and may undermine the performance of our products.

Step 1: Cleanse, reset, and nourish

Get the Basics Right. Cleanse without synthetic detergents, emulsifiers, and fragrances.

Start with 3-4 pumps of【Gentle Cleansing Oil】for morning and night, followed by 【Baobab Rose Soap】. Lather suds before washing off with lukewarm water. (Wash with soap again, if needed)


*Replace cleansing oil with 【Gentle Soothing Cleansing Milk】if you like


.【Gentle Cleansing Oil】: effortlessly removes stubborn makeup, SPF, and grime, leaving skin hydrated, supple and softened. Infused with Neem Leaf Oil and St John's Wart extract, which soothe and strengthen skin.


.【Baobab Rose  Soap】:infused with 8% extra oil, leaving skin soft, supple, and refreshed, without dryness or tightness.


Our Baobab Soap is a luxurious handcrafted soap, created by a renowned French workshop, with over 60% natural glycerin generated during the saponification process.

Restore pH balance, boost up penetration

[Hydrating Nourishing Organic Damask Rose Hydrosol]

Spray evenly onto your face and neck at least 4-6 times (or more, if needed)


Instantly softens skin for better penetration, preparing it for optimal thereafter.


Formulated with 100% rose hydrosol without synthetic moisturisers or chemical fragrances.


.enriched with natural moisturising properties such as vitamins, phenolic compounds, and flavonoids, our formula is perfect for nourishing dry skin


.unique, subtle natural floral scent helps soothing and relaxing

Our premium Damask Rose is hand-picked at dawn from the unpolluted, 10,000 ft highlands in Iran, where a unique microclimate and soil condition provide an ideal environment for growing the best quality roses. 


Carefully distilled by an experienced distillery with almost 40 years of expertise in Iran, our damask rose hydrosol is pure and potent.


Our rose water and rose plantation are both COSMOS certified by Ecocert Greenlife and Control Union for organic standards.

Step 3.1 : 對抗頑固黑色素沉澱;提亮美白;延緩衰老

【5合1草本淨膚精華 Clarifying Essence】

• 建議程序


使用花水後,立即於面部及頸部按上 3至5 滴【草本淨膚精華】











Step 3: Revitalise, regenerate and rejuvenate

【Le Booster】- 7-in-1 Skin Essence

Apply 5 to 8 drops of【Le Booster】into freshly damp skin for optimal penetration and effectiveness.


.Boost up the power of Le Booster right after spraying on floral water.  

.The lightweight formula enhances collagen and ceramide production for instant soft, smooth, and plump skin


.Our water-soluble formula contains naphthoquinone, stimulating the production of ceramides and Type I and III collagen, boosting skin elasticity and hydration.

Revitalise skin barriers and rejuvenate youth - Le Booster, the perfect booster in your daily skincare routine.

Step 4: The Perfect Duo: hydrate, moisturise and locking-in

Prolonged hydration with [Frankincense All-day Facial Cream] + replenish and lock-in moisture with [Miracle Serum]

Mix a 3 pea-sized amount of【Frankincense All-day Facial Cream】with 2-3 drops【Miracle Serum】. Gently apply to your face and neck. 


*Please adjust the dosage that best suits yourself according to your own skin condition.


Frankincense All-day Facial Cream】mixes 【Miracle Serum】 — The Perfect Duo


.Prolonged hydration and nourishment. Enhance moisture retention and quench your skin's thirst for lasting hydration.


.The mixture of the cream and serum mimics the composition of our skin structure, forming a protective moisture barrier against water loss and dryness.


*For an extra hydration boost: add a pea-sized amount of 【Silky Moi: All Purpose Lotion】 on top of the cream mixture (adjust amount as desired).


Note: excessive use of Silky Moi will dilute the emulsion and compromise its hydration.

Step 4.2:鎖水、V面緊緻,一步到位!

【仙人掌塑顏緊緻抗老精華 Miracle Serum】

• 建議程序


【活膚肌底液 Le Booster】稍為乾透後,使用2-3 滴【仙人掌塑顏緊緻抗老精華】,均勻按於面部及頸部,直至完全吸收。






【仙人掌塑顏緊緻抗老精華 Miracle Serum】含高濃度 Vitamin E,具極強鎖水功效;同時滲透性極佳,能深入肌膚底層,修復受損皮膚屏障。


・蘊含多種抗老活性成分: flavonoids (類黃酮) 、 tannins (丹寧酸) 及 Polyphenols (酚類化合物),有助加快細胞修復,回復肌膚彈性,並刺激膠原蛋白增生,緊緻輪廓,塑造V面。

【Find Your Dosage】

Skin Feel under correct dosage: feeling hydrated, glowy in the morning, not dull, dry or oily

Please adjust the amount of Facial Cream and Miracle Serum, by following【Rule of Thumb】as detailed below, for the optimal skincare.


【Discover your skin's perfect balance: Rule of Thumb】


1.  Mix Frankincense Facial Cream with Miracle Serum for optimal moisture. One for hydration, one for lock-in moisture — BOTH are essential!


2.  More facial cream for enhanced hydration.


3.  More Miracle Serum for extra moisture retention.


4.  Layer with Silky Moi for enhanced moisture.

5.  For weather with high humidity (more than 75%):  suggest to mix with Thyme Facial Cream and use less Miracle Serum.

6.  Combat low humidity (less than 65%) and extreme weather: applying more Miracle Serum and topping it off with our All Purpose Balm for added nourishment.


Listen to your skin's unique needs and take the first step towards beautiful, healthy skin with My Earthy Kiss.

Discover the perfect balance for your dry skin with our prescribed products
